Jackie Groenen: "We'll give everything to achieve our aim"

Paris Saint-Germain midfielder Jackie Groenen discusses tomorrow's D1 Arkema play-off final against Lyon.

Jackie, the D1 Arkema play-off final against Lyon is tomorrow. How are you feeling, and how is the squad doing ahead of the game? 

"We're feeling good. We played well against Paris FC last Saturday; it wasn't easy mentally or physically, but we've recovered well this week. I feel like we're all ready to play another final this season. We're really happy, and we'll give everything to achieve our aim."

We're facing Lyon once more. How will you approach this match? 

"The result is what matters most because finals are there to be won, but we do also want to entertain our fans because it's the last game of the season. Everyone in the team is happy to be playing against Lyon again."

What message would you like to send out ahead of the final?

"This is a good chance for us to show that we're capable of beating Lyon. I think that we came close to winning every title this year, but we really need to raise our game and take everything we've learned during the season onto the pitch. It's an opportunity to win another title."