Paris Saint-Germain are the first sports team to pass 10 millions followers on TikTok

10M on TikTok! The different types of content produced by the club have been able to entertain and attract the TikTok world audience!

Paris Saint-Germain have become the first sports team to reach the 10 million followers mark on TikTok. A landmark that was reached on 30 June 2021, the last day of the season.

Having launched in July 2019, the account started to see a big growth over spring 2020, a period in which it reached a million followers.ย  Over the months and the different types of content that were produced, the club from the capital has been able to overtake all the other football clubs to become the biggest on the platform.ย 

After a record breaking month of May accumulated 145 millions views and 17 millions interactions, the club now can't wait for the new season to be able to produce some new groundbreaking content!ย