The club distributes Tencent masks to associations


The 150,000 masks received from Tencent last week have been distributed to a number of associations in a bid to limit the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A number of associations supported by the Paris Saint-Germain Foundation received masks:

· Action Contre la Faim with whom Paris Saint-Germain works very closely: 80,000 face masks and 10,000 pairs of protective goggles will protect the charity’s volunteers in order to ensure the continuity of their different missions.

· Emmaüs Solidarité: 10,000 face masks will be distributed to their social workers and the people they help each day.

"We have a long-standing partnership with the Paris Saint-Germain Foundation. This donation of masks is invaluable, because the people we help are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19, as are our employees and volunteers. We are in great need of PPE in order to continue our activities. We'd like to thank the club for its support in the current climate and in the long term. We aim for social inclusion, which includes playing sport and this access to football is fundamental," said Bruno Morel, CEO of Emmaus Solidarité.

· The CNAPE, a national federation of charities that help disadvantaged children, adolescents and young adults: 10,000 face masks will be shared between the various drop-in centres in France to protect children and workers. It is the first time that the Paris Saint-Germain Foundation is getting involved with the CNAPE, whose actions focus on protecting vulnerable children and young people, respecting their rights, their well-being and helping them become independent.

· Fédération Française Handisport: 10,000 face masks will help make it safer for the federation's registered members to start exercising again, which will improve their health and well-being.

· Secours populaire français: 10,000 face masks will be handed out to the volunteers who take care of food distribution.

· The Collectif Ultras Paris, the Paris Saint-Germain supporters’ group: 10,000 face masks will be distributed during their food drives and to EHPADS (retirement homes), social care institutions, and hostels in Greater Paris.

· Instituts Médicaux Educatifs: 10,000 face masks will go to the various medico-educational institutes that the Paris Saint-Germain Foundation works with all year long, running sport and educational programmes for young people with disabilities.

· Fondation des Femmes: 5,000 face masks will help protect their operational teams as well as women and children staying in the accommodation provided by the charity since the start of the crisis.

· Paris Saint-Germain Foundation: 5,000 face masks will be distributed to other charities, such as l’Assiette Migrante which distributes food to refugees and homeless people.