Training for the coaches at the Academy USA


En déplacement pendant deux semaines aux États-Unis, Benjamin Houri, Référent Technique de la Paris Saint-Germain Academy, a fait le tour des centres d’entraînements pour s’assurer de la bonne formation des coachs locaux à la méthodologie du club.

It was in Los Angeles that Benjamin Houri began his training and observation tour. The latest site of the Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA, and the first in California, will soon be inaugurated in Hollywood and will offer a year-round training program.

The Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA now has 10 sites in the club's colours, the majority of which are located in Florida, its historic stronghold.

The agenda for this visit: training the local coaches in the methods of Paris Saint-Germain, then the observation of training and supervision of Academy matches in pairs with each coach. The aim is to provide the same quality of sessions from one site to another, and from one country to another.

Benjamin Houri then moved to Miami and more specifically Broward County Stadium in Fort Lauderdale, which is now the headquarters of the Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA. "The new facilities at Broward County Stadium will allow the Academy to take on a new dimension in the United States. It is a high-level complex, with a quality grass pitch in the heart of a 15,000-seat stadium and several synthetic pitches. I am convinced that these infrastructures will put players in the best position and allow them to progress even faster."

Four theory sessions were also given during his American tour, in which nearly 50 coaches participated. He also took charge of the U15 sessions at the Miami Academy with demonstrations, animations and advice.

By attending local tournaments where the Paris Saint-Germain Academy had committed teams, Houri was able to provide an accurate feedback to local coaches on his observations.

Houri was delighted with the evolution of the Academy: "I am travelling here to Florida for the fifth time as part of these annual training courses. Today, we can really feel that the entire staff has made enormous progress in understanding and implementing the methodology within all the teams of the Paris Saint-Germain Academy Florida. It is a great pride for me to see educators progress by using our methods. This is also reflected in the players, who have a better understanding of the game and become smarter footballers."